Heidi Joy Brown

Ph: 604.974.9433
Heidi Joy Brown
Registered Massage Therapist
Heidi has been practicing massage therapy since obtaining her diploma from the Victoria campus of WCCMT in 2006. Her practice has encouraged her deep curiosity about the human body and how things are connected. She uses rigorous clinical reasoning and assessment to get to the root of an issue. Pain can give great clues for treatment but is not always the source of the problem. With this in mind, Heidi looks to the body as a whole when determining the direction her treatments will take.

Heidi’s techniques vary depending on the client and may include myofascial and deep tissue release, visceral manipulation, neuromeningeal mobilization, craniosacral balancing, scar tissue release, movement training and homecare exercises.

Heidi splits her time between Vancouver and the Nicola Valley, her small dog in tow. She loves to cook and to be outdoors but she mostly loves learning. She has explored classes related to nutrition, creative writing, poetry, pain science and exercise. She’s an artist working in a variety of different mediums, has dabbled in teaching and is constantly (and happily) evolving to become a better therapist.

Availability: Monday to Thursday 

Heidi Joy Brown
Opening Hours
Monday to Friday    7:30am - 6:00pm

Suite 350
580 Hornby Street
Vancouver, BC
V6C 3B6

Ph. 604.974.9433
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